
Showing posts from 2019

Better A Cruel Truth Than A Comfortable Delusion?

I have known her since the springtime of her life.  She is someone who has always taken pride in being a woman.  She has always dreamt of having a beautiful wedding and having someone in her life that completes her.  But today for the first time it makes her think, had this been such an issue if she had been a guy? Had her career taken a back seat and put on stake just because according to the social norms she would not find a suitable match after 30! She has not even completed her 26 by the way. Would anyone marry a guy without a job? NO. Would any family give their daughter to a man with no earning? NO. Then why is it any different for her? Just because her biological clock is ticking at the top of her head! Or just because the responsibilities are due!  For all those girls out there who do not want to be working and justify it saying they chose for it, how she wishes guys could do the same. Probably then people would understand how important it is for an "...


“Oh you have always spoken your mind, you can never know how it feels to be not able to speak your heart!!!” said, someone. I replied, “but how are these two even related?” “Does your mind not shout aloud what goes within? Is your mind not a reflection of what you speak? Replied that someone. I smiled and kept quiet! The expression is an art, not the world at large has. But the ones who do practice it are often misconstrued. Being expressive is a trait most often judged as being open to the concept of comfortably sharing what you feel, which has always been a struggle for me. Not because it is something that I want to change but because at times it is difficult for people to perceive you as YOU. Well nobody is at fault either. Now let me be very precise that here we are not talking about expressing your feelings for someone, be it good or bad, romantic or something you don’t appreciate at all. That takes time too. People take their own sweet little time but...

Bindi - The Center Of My Universe

Sounds too Indian of a name right!!! Well, Yes, it is. While all my folks with Indian origin will quite relate to it like I do, let me help those friends who might happen to read this overseas if somehow   this blog reaches you and I manage to be any decent at e xpressing myself. There is a lot to its history but let me simplify it to you for a better understanding. Bindi originates from a Sanskrit word "Bindu" which signifies a dot or a focal point. Much like a "Full stop" used at the end of a sentence to complete it, now that we have understood the root of it, Similarly Bindi is more of an ornamental form of this dot worn on the forehead by almost every woman in India at some phase or another of her life. It completes the look they say! Now you got it, Isn't it? While you have your sources that would help the wings of your imagination, let me help you with mine. For me it has always been a beautiful, small, red-colored circular dab on my mother...