Better A Cruel Truth Than A Comfortable Delusion?
I have known her since the springtime of her life. She is someone who has always taken pride in being a woman. She has always dreamt of having a beautiful wedding and having someone in her life that completes her. But today for the first time it makes her think, had this been such an issue if she had been a guy? Had her career taken a back seat and put on stake just because according to the social norms she would not find a suitable match after 30! She has not even completed her 26 by the way. Would anyone marry a guy without a job? NO. Would any family give their daughter to a man with no earning? NO. Then why is it any different for her? Just because her biological clock is ticking at the top of her head! Or just because the responsibilities are due! For all those girls out there who do not want to be working and justify it saying they chose for it, how she wishes guys could do the same. Probably then people would understand how important it is for an "...